Primo ottobre 2011: ritornano i concerti al chiuso al CPAFiSud. L'impianto audio che nel corso dell'estate è stato -come del resto tutte le attrezzature della sala concerti- letteralmente smontato bullone per bullone, revisionato, ripulito, controllato e verificato ha avuto un primo varo con Gli Atomoid, i Lewis Balsamo e i Nuovi Mostri.
2011 October 1st. Concert hall in CPAFiSud resumes its activities. During last summer everything in sound system and in every other furniture was disassembled, refurbishwed, cleaned up, controlled and tested, having its first performance with Atomoid, Lewis Balsamo and Nuovi Mostri.
2011 October 1st. Concert hall in CPAFiSud resumes its activities. During last summer everything in sound system and in every other furniture was disassembled, refurbishwed, cleaned up, controlled and tested, having its first performance with Atomoid, Lewis Balsamo and Nuovi Mostri.
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